Okay, another thrown away wife has come on the scene. Big surprise. It’s the way of the world.
This one actually believes her husband, who says he “needs some space”. GOD in Heaven.
LISTEN UP. Men do not “need space”. They are usually the first ones to say “I love you” so they can capture a woman. They are children in grown bodies who need mommies. The ONLY reason they EVER say they “need space” is so they can screw ANOTHER WOMAN. GET that through your head. IF YOUR HUSBAND TELLS YOU HE NEEDS SPACE HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND! Can I be any clearer than that??
This woman is sitting around doing nothing, waiting for her husband to come to his senses. He controls every single dime of the marital assets, and has asked her to leave so he can have space. HE DOESN’T HAVE ANY SENSES TO COME TO. Worse, she is living in someone else’s home, not working, not helping around the house, not doing ANYTHING to help herself. NOT GOOD.
This woman may be beyond help; maybe she has always been a lump…although I hear she has a college degree and used to be pretty snappy. But YOU GUYS reading this…will you just get it through your head that the LIKELIHOOD that your husband cheats on you is HUGE. Read the statistics! And if he is middle aged, get ready to be thrown away. TOO BAD, TRUE! There is a statistical likelihood that he will dump you for a younger woman. By the way, “getting ready” to be dumped does not mean sitting down and defending the asshole. You had better know that he will do almost ANYTHING to get rid of you when he is in heat. Some men KILL their wives. That should TELL YOU SOMETHING! Listen, you have never seen such a hard hearted, cold, evil persona than a husband caught in an affair and believing he is trapped with HIS WIFE. IT IS FRIGHTENING to see the change that comes over these “men”. Believe this: At that point they would just as soon see you dead. You had better know this.
Take money out of the account, open one of your own, HIRE A LAWYER and keep moving. If you sit down and do nothing, you will first of all be screwed to the wall by your soon-to-be-ex-husband, and second, you will face financial ruin. Chances are, your husband has already funneled money out of the account like mine did. Do NOT expect these guys to have ANY regard for your wellbeing. When they are in heat, all of the blood leaves their teensy little pea brain and goes to the other teensy little part of their body that somehow makes them think they’re wonderful. They’re not. Every bit of the thinking and work they do is to figure out how to GET RID OF YOU, and give what you worked for to another woman. Now if that doesn’t piss you off and make you want to get MOVING, I don’t know what will. I really don’t.
As much as this happens I cannot BELIEVE how dumb women can be. I know, you want to trust your husband and you should trust him….UNTIL HE TELLS YOU HE NEEDS SOME SPACE! I know you are in shock, I know you are traumatized! But that does NOT mean you can sit down and wait to be destroyed….unless you WANT to be destroyed. If that’s true, I can’t help you at all.
A note to remember: If you are not willing to do something to help yourself, don’t expect anyone ELSE to want to help you. Initial attorney consults are often free. USE ONE! And if by some miracle he comes back (I wouldn’t let him NEAR me), you can always reverse the work you’ve done to protect yourself from him. I’d sleep with one eye open anyway.